Just Moved In?

We're located conveniently near the intersection of Munsee St N and Talbot St E.

Confusing insurance?

No problem! We’ll help you figure out how to make the most of your insurance.

In An Emergency?

We offer same day appointments and occasionally drop-ins.

Your First Visit

We understand that visiting a dental office for the first time can be a tense, nerve-wracking experience. Our goal is to make this often tense experience as warm and comfortable as possible. What happens at your first visit really depends on what you are looking for.


Some patients visit to have a consultation to get questions answered. Some patients seek emergency care. Some patients seek a more comprehensive exam along with a cleaning to start fresh and determine if they have a need for further dental treatment. Regardless of your initial concern, we are here to help. Our staff are able and willing to go the extra mile to gain you and your family’s trust.


To make things more comfortable, we have LCD TVs in each room so you can tune into your favorite show while we work. We use illustrations, models, digital radiographs and intraoral photos to help you see and understand your smile.


We use every opportunity to help you understand your oral health, your treatment options, and the time it takes to complete the procedure. Most importantly, we ensure that our final treatment decisions align with your needs and wants.

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